Occupational Health and Safety (“OHS”)

ICBP is committed to creating a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees, as well as for contractors and guests visiting its facilities. As an Indofood subsidiary, we adhere to and implement Indofood’s Health and Safety Policies, which are in line with Government Regulation No. 50 Year 2012 regarding the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja or “SMK3”).

As of 2017, many ICBP operating units were certified to the national standard of SMK3 and international standard of Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (“OHSAS”) 18001. The adoption of OHS at the workplace aims to minimize work injuries, accidents and damage to properties. The OHSAS 18001 certification has also strengthened the confidence of overseas buyers in the Company.

A health and safety committee was formed in operating units to oversee the proper implementation of health and safety measures. It conducted regular workplace inspections, audits, evaluation of workplace accidents and reports to the management with recommendations. The Company investigated all accidents and implemented appropriate measures to prevent recurrences. Several units have received awards from the Ministry of Manpower for zero accidents. We are striving towards a zero accident rate across all ICBP operating units.