Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
A reliable energy supply is crucial to ICBP’s smooth and uninterrupted operations. We strive to continuously improve energy efficiency in our operations. ICBP has implemented the energy management systems principles across operating units that enabled better monitoring and management of energy usage. We have conducted a series of energy efficiency trainings. We have also certified some energy managers to oversee the implementation of energy management. In addition, we have certified several internal energy auditors in order to conduct regular energy audit. In 2017, some technical measures were carried out includes optimization of steam boilers from generation to distribution, better insulation of steam pipes to reduce heat loss, and the use of inverters in electric motors and air compressors.
Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) Emissions
ICBP’s commitment to reduce its carbon footprint is reflected through its energy saving measures along with renewable energy initiatives. During the year, the principal source of GHG emissions came from stationary combustion and purchased electricity.