Education is key to human capital development. Thus, we provide opportunities to encourage university students to pursue education through research grants, vocational training and other learning programs.

  • Indofood Riset Nugraha (“IRN”)
  • ICBP supports the Indofood Riset Nugraha (“IRN”), an undergraduate research grant focusing on food security or food-related subjects. The research topics are assessed by a panel of nine experts specializing in areas such as Agriculture and Fisheries Technology, Production Technology, Nutrition and Health, Molecular Biotechnology, and Socio Economics. Successful candidates will receive guidance from these experts for their research projects.

    In 2020, the IRN Program was mainly carried out through webinars due to COVID-19. The theme for the webinar was “Millenials and Food Research in the New Normal Era Towards Advanced Indonesia”. A total of around 300 proposals from students in almost 40 Indonesian universities were received, of which 60 proposals from more than 30 universities made it through the selection. They were entitled for the funding and could conduct their research projects with direct guidance and supervision from the experts under the IRN Program for 2020-2021.


    • Vocational Program
    • The World Bank and International Monetary Fund has predicted that Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product will be ranked fifth highest in the world by 2024. As such, the Indonesian government is bolstering competitiveness by revitalizing the Vocational Education System to produce more skilled workers.

      In 2020, the Flexible Packaging unit operations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with one of state polytechnic in Jakarta to support the government’s vocational training efforts. The collaboration focuses on strengthening industryrelevant competencies by matching the required skillsets with the curriculum of the polytechnic’s Packaging Engineering Department.